For the curious, our final dress rehearsal was filmed and a preview video was posted on youtube. I finally show up at the end in my Oscar's baby cousin outfit:
It's Easter, so my LJ-break is over! Overall, I think it was a good idea for me to take a break for a while to regain some perspective (although I still stressed about many things and probably always will) but I'm really glad to be back. This last week was probably the hardest for me to keep myself from sneaking peeks at LJ, probably because I knew
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Last night was our first blocking rehearsal. We blocked out about 25 pages of music, and we're still not even halfway through the opening number. That is a freaking MONSTER of a song. Collection of songs, really. Up until now it's been all music rehearsals, with one dance rehearsal last Tuesday that was actually more of a movement class. The
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They just sent out the cast list for The Gondoliers. I'm a tenor again, yay! I hope Derrick goes with the Lord High Drummer Boy idea that kibarika came up with. And if he does, I'd better be credited in the program that way.
I auditioned for The Gondoliers on Monday. I was SO not prepared because I'd just gotten back from Florida, and I really wasn't taking the audition as seriously as I probably should have since I had just decided to go for a chorus role (sorry, female G&S roles do not excite me, and I realistically stand no chance of ever getting a named male role
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With the start of rehearsals for this year's show with the Durham Savoyards, I'll probably be posting a lot of play updates. Do you all think I should have a filter for them
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I got the call last night. I'm in the stage chorus for Yeomen. They have me down as a tenor again this year (figured they would since I wrote that I had a preference for men's chorus, and Yeomen is a men's chorus-heavy show, so they need as many bodies as they can get). Still don't know if I'm to be a Citizen or a Yeoman, but I'm figuring Citizen
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So, no call-back for Yeomen. Guess I wasn't expecting one, I froze up in the audition again. I ended up just singing both Kate and Leonard's excerpts since I couldn't decide and Leonard's excerpt was short. So I guess it's chorus again this year. Only I have no idea which chorus I'll be in. I'll find out when rehearsals start I suppose.
Someone helpfully made a video of one of our dress rehearsals and put it in YouTube for publicity purposes. So now you get to see me dorking about on stage in full motion and audio!
Still on my performance high for today :D Can't wait to do it again next weekend!